Saturday, July 29, 2006

Overcoming Fears

Everybody has fears. It is part of life. Fear can keep us from really living the life we want. We can choose either to face our fears or allow them to control us. Our minds have the power to control our thoughts and therefore overcome our fears. When we decide to choose the life we want, it is a powerful motivator to really look at ourselves and find out what is stopping us from having what we want. Is it our own imagination -- thinking about what could go wrong? Imagining being rejected? Fear of ridicule or humiliation if we fail? Whatever our fears, we can choose to let them limit us or not.

Overcoming fears is not an easy process. There are techniques such as EFT or hypnosis which can assist us on our journey. Be patient with yourself as you strive to overcome your fears. Get a good support system and take it one step at a time.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Simplifying Life

If you get to a point when you start feeling that things are out of control, take a step back and analyze your life. Is there anything that is causing undue stress? Have you committed to too many projects? Do you have obligations which drain your resources and do not give you personal satisfaction or benefit?

If we can learn about simplifying life, we will not only become more productive, but we will also gain more joy out of every day and simple things.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Secret DVD

If you want more from life, and really want to create success, there is a great DVD called "The Secret" you should watch. The Secret DVD bring together experts in many industries and teaches about the law of attraction as well as the power of our minds. Whatever we consistently focus on with emotion is what we will experience in life. It's a great film and you can even watch it online for about $5.00.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


In order to be successful you must have clear communication with those around you. Misunderstandings are mostly because communication is not clear and we interpret what is said or not said from our own perspectives. Working in a team environment, communication is even more important. Most communication is non-verbal, so being attuned to body language is important. If you can go into business with the expectation that we are not all alike, and that everyone has their own perspective -- and seek first to understand where others are coming from -- you should generally have more effective relationships because once you have clear understanding about others, you can find ways to work together more efficiently.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Internet Marketing Training Class

Marketing 101: Traditional and Internet Marketing
How to get traffic to your website

$50 per person / $75 per couple
Saturday, July 8th
8:45 a.m. - 12:00
Team Everest Corporate Offices -- 727 N. 1550 E. Suite 175, Orem, UT

To pre-register -- please email RoMay Allen -- romayallen (at)
PayPal, checks or cash is accepted.

Here are some of the comments about our last class:

"This class was most beneficial and the presenters were friendly and warm and let us know they were interested in helping us succeed."

"I gained more knowledge than expected. This class is really informative and worth attending."

"The key to Internet Marketing is driving traffic to your website. This class taught me how. I would recommend it to anyone!"

"Great information for people who need a jumpstart into marketing their online business for the first time, and don't know their way around the web very well."

"This class was so informative. Just using these ideas, I will get my money back and much more."

"Incredible class. Extremely helpful information. This info would cost thousands elsewhere. The tips and hints will help us all succeed!!!"

"This is my first experience learning about internet marketing. Wendy and RoMay have put together a top notch class. Rookie and advanced people will learn a lot also. Great class."

Monday, July 03, 2006

Choosing Your Life Path

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there." -- Anon.
I think it's interesting to think about the future, anticipate reaching my goals and determining which paths to take in order to get where I want to go.

In my line of work I've come across many people who have never set goals in their life. It is a mindset which I do not understand -- those who seem to float through life, going every which way without a specific direction. What do they want? Most of them don't really know. Where are they going? What would make their life richer, fuller and the best it could be? What are they missing?

It's so important to take time away from the rush of every day life to ponder and really determine if the direction you are going is the direction you want to go.

Today -- take some time -- small changes now will generate huge changes later. If you're not satisfied with your life -- do something today to change course.