Monday, October 31, 2005

Words We Use Attract Life's Riches

Carol Tuttle, a popular author and owner of the Carol Tuttle Healing Center, recent wrote about the power of the words we use. I've read many articles and books about the subject of the words we speak and the power of our thoughts, and I thought Carol's insights were worth sharing.

If you want to attract wealth, success, happiness, love, and all the good things you want in your life -- you need to pay attention to what words you say and make sure you use language which will attract those things.

You create energy with the words you use. If you constantly use negative words, it influences how you behave, what you believe, choices you make and the direction your life takes.

Steps to create the life you want:
1. Pay attention to the words you use on a daily basis. (Specifically those which indicate life is hard, being tired, getting frustrated or annoyed.) Ex: "It's too hard." "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired." etc.

2. Stop using those phrases and words.

3. Day by day, focus on taking any negative words and replace them with positive ones. Such as: "I'm excited about losing weight." "He is doing the best he can." "I'm ready for a healthy life." "I am in charge of my life." "Good things come easily into my life." "I am willing to do what it takes to change my life."

4. Notice the changes in your life, as your language changes.

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